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olistic healinEnegy medicie

Hi, I’m Kat.

 Emotion Code & Body Code Practitioner  


Dowser and Energy Healer

Whatever you’re dealing with...
acute illness chronic pain mystery issues autoimmune conditions emotional distress financial issues relationship issues weight issues
I can help

Since 2002, I have been a full-time health practitioner with an ever-evolving practice. These days, I am a practicing Acupuncturist, Certified Emotion Code and Body Code Practitioner, and Dowser. I have traveled the world studying both ancient and modern health systems, always seeking the best modalities and philosophies to get to the root of an issue as efficiently as possible. I formerly believed chronic imbalances, illness, and recovery were complicated and required much time, patience, and ample resources. But after a couple decades of helping thousands of patients, and healing myself from chronic illness, I now view it all through a much clearer and simpler lens.

My clinical approach is centered around tapping into your subconcious mind to resolve any blockages in the flow of your blood, lymph, vital life force, and energy field. This may be due to trauma (physical and/or emotional), parasitic energies, structural misalignments, toxicity, deficiency, or a lifestyle imbalance. Essentially, if all your bodily fluids and energies are flowing well, your body can heal itself. 

  • Master’s degree and license in Acupuncture, Traditional Chinese Medicine, and Herbalism
  • Energy Healing Qualifications: Certified Emotion Code and Body Code Practitioner, Raymon Grace Dowsing & Energy Healing, Biogeometry Physical Radiasthesia, BodyTalk, Mindscape, Biomagnetism, Biofield Tuning, Court of Atonement
  • Korean Constitutional Medicine and Dietary Prescriptions
  • German New Medicine Foundations Course
  • Holistic Health Coaching Certification (IIN)
  • Certified Massage Therapist & Master Reflexologist specializing in Ear Reflexology (Auricular), Face (Dien Chan), Hands & Feet (Sujok); Aromatherapy Rain Drop Technique 
  • Fascia Expert, focused on Fascial Restructuring and Structural Alignment (Block Therapy, Fascia Blasting, Gua Sha, Cupping)
  • Graduate of Morley Robbins’s RCP Institute, with certification as a Root Cause Protocol Practitioner, specializing in Detoxification Protocols & Mineral Rebalancing
  • Certified Feng Shui Practitioner 
  • Biogeometry: Foundational and Advanced Certifications