Unlock your next level of

Kat standing in front of a glowing sun


Emotion & Body Code Practitioner
Medical Intuitive

What if you could pinpoint and heal the underlying cause of your pain, sleep issues, financial stress, and relationship challenges—all from a distance?

What if your diagnosis is easier to resolve than you’ve been told?

What if you could avoid bouncing between doctors, specialists, and healers, and instead truly resolve your symptoms in one place?

The answer to all these challenges exists and it’s called:

The Body Code System

The Body Code is like the Swiss Army Knife of healing.

Using a proprietary software program, The Body Code System is a revolutionary and simplified process of decoding your symptoms.  I follow a mind map and ask your psyche a series of simple questions, and receive answers locked in your subconscious mind. Those answers hold the key to your optimum wellness.

Areas of Focus

Emotional Wellness

  • release trapped emotions
  • resolve unprocessed trauma
  • manage anxiety and depression 

Body system balance

  •  reset organs and glands
  •  rebalance the microbiome  
  •  open detoxification pathways

Toxin resolution

  • clear heavy metals and pollutants
  • protect from EMF radiation
  • resolve mold illness


  • fungal overgrowth 
  • mycotoxins 
  • parasitic infestation 


  • realign the spine 
  • adjust bones, joints, and fascia 
  • reset chakras and meridians 


  • identify nutrients your body needs
  • reset sleep patterns
  • stress management 

Beyond Physical Wellness

enhance relationships

Release negative energy from past experiences to open your heart

boost creativity

Unleash your creativity by removing limiting beliefs and patterns of fear

attract abundance

Clear your imbalances causing blocks to money, resources, and opportunity

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About me

Hi, I’m Kat. Since 2002, my journey has been one of the “wounded healer.” Lifelong health challenges catapulted me into learning everything I could about illness and health to both heal myself and others.

As a full-time Acupuncturist, I continued my education and training, becoming certified in countless holistic modalities, while experimenting on myself with: diets, supplements, detox methods, homeopathy, chiropractic, biological dentistry, affirmations, herbalism, Ayahuasca ceremonies, and learning the best styles of acupuncture, both ancient and modern. Yet, nothing seemed to resolve my chronic health issues.

Thankfully, after a twenty-year search, I found what I was looking for. I learned how to tap into the largest and most powerful part of me: the subconscious mind—and that’s what finally healed me.

my credentials

  • Master’s degree and license in Acupuncture, Traditional Chinese Medicine, and Herbalism
  • Energy Healing Qualifications: Certified Emotion Code and Body Code Practitioner, Raymon Grace Dowsing & Energy Healing, Biogeometry Physical Radiasthesia, BodyTalk, Mindscape, Biomagnetism, Biofield Tuning, Court of Atonement
  • Korean Constitutional Medicine and Dietary Prescriptions
  • German New Medicine Foundations Course
  • Holistic Health Coaching Certification (IIN)
  • Certified Massage Therapist & Master Reflexologist specializing in Ear Reflexology (Auricular), Face (Dien Chan), Hands & Feet (Sujok); Aromatherapy Rain Drop Technique
  • Fascia Expert, focused on Fascial Restructuring and Structural Alignment (Block Therapy, Fascia Blasting, Gua Sha, Cupping)
  • Graduate of Morley Robbins’s RCP Institute, with certification as a Root Cause Protocol Practitioner, specializing in Detoxification Protocols & Mineral Rebalancing
  • Certified Feng Shui Practitioner
  • Biogeometry: Foundational and Advanced Certifications
  • B.A. in Anthropology from UC Santa Cruz


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